Publications of T. Baranyi

  1. GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T., : 2017, Comparative analysis of Debrecen sunspot catalogues, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465, (2), 1259-1273, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw2667, Article (free access)

  2. BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2016, Heritage of Konkoly's Solar Observations: the Debrecen Photoheliograph Programme and the Debrecen Sunspot Databases, In: Koci, E. (ed.) Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of Dr. Nicolaus Thege-Konkoly, and 145th anniversary of the founding of the Hurbanovo Observatory, Hurbanovo, Szlovákia, 2016.05.18-2016.05.20. Slovenska Ustredna Hvezdaren, pp. 29-36., arXiv e-print
  3. BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2016, On-line Tools for Solar Data Compiled in the Debrecen Observatory and their Extensions with the Greenwich Sunspot Data, Solar Phys., 291, Issue 9-10, pp. 3081-3102, doi:10.1007/s11207-016-0930-1, arXiv e-print
  4. GYENGE, N., Ballai, I., BARANYI, T. : 2016, Statistical study of spatio-temporal distribution of precursor solar flares associated with major flares, MNRAS, 459, Issue 4, 3532-3539, doi:10.1093/mnras/stw859, arXiv e-print
  5. MURAKÖZY, J., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A. : 2016, An alternative measure of solar activity from detailed sunspot datasets, Solar Physics, 291, Issue 9-10, pp. 2941-2950, doi:10.1007/s11207-016-0898-x, arXiv e-print
  6. GYENGE, N., LUDMÁNY, A., BARANYI, T.: 2016, Active longitude and solar flare occurrences, ApJ, 818, Issue 2, article id. 127, 8 pp. arXiv e-print

  7. KORSÓS, M. B., GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2015, Dynamic Precursors of Flares in Active Region NOAA 10486, JAA, 36, Issue 1, 111-121, JAA-D-14-0007, PDF preprint
  8. KORSÓS, M. B., LUDMÁNY, A., ERDÉLYI, R., BARANYI, T.: 2015, On flare predictability based on sunspot group evolution, ApJ, 802, L21, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/802/2/L21 , PDF preprint
  9. Wang, Y.-M., Colaninno, R. C., BARANYI, T., Li, J.: 2015, Active-Region Tilt Angles: Magnetic Versus White-Light Determinations of Joy's Law, ApJ, 798, 50, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/798/1/50 , PDF preprint
  10. BARANYI, T.: 2015, Comparison of Debrecen and Mount Wilson/Kodaikanal sunspot group tilt angles and the Joy's law, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447,(4): 1857-1865, doi:10.1093/mnras/stu2572 , preprint

  11. KORSÓS, M. B., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2014, Pre-flare dynamics of sunspot groups, ApJ, 789, 107, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/789/2/107 PDF preprint
  12. Balázs, L. G., GYENGE, N., KORSÓS, M. B., BARANYI, T., Forgács-Dajka, E., Ballai, I.: 2014, Statistical relationship between the succeeding solar flares detected by the RHESSI satellite, MNRAS, 441, 1157-1165, doi:10.1093/mnras/stu609, PDF preprint
  13. GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2014, Migration and extension of solar active longitudinal zones, Solar Phys., 289, 579-591, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-013-0424-3, PDF preprint
  14. MURAKÖZY,J., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2014, Sunspot group development in high temporal resolution, Solar Phys., 289, 563-577, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-013-0416-3, PDF preprint

  15. BARANYI, T., Király, S., Coffey, H. E.: 2013, Indirect comparison of Debrecen and Greenwich daily sums of sunspot areas, MNRAS, 434 (2), 1713-1720, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stt1134, PDF preprint
  16. GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2013, Variations of solar non-axisymmetric activity, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 37, 417-424 PDF preprint
  17. KORSÓS, M. B., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2013, Study of sunspot group morphological variations leading to flaring events, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 37, 425-434 PDF preprint

  18. GYENGE, N., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2012, Distribution of activity at the solar active longitudes between 1979 - 2011 in the northern hemisphere, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 36, 9-16. PDF
  19. MURAKÖZY, J., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2012, Development and morphology of leading-following parts of sunspot groups, Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., 36, 1-8. PDF
  20. BARANYI, T., Pap, J.M.: 2012, Active Region Properties and Irradiance Variations,  Advances in Space Research, 50, 676-682, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2011.11.037, PDF preprint

  21. Poljančić, I., Brajša, R., Hržina, D., Wöhl, H., Hanslmeier, A., Pötzi, W., BARANYI, T., Özgüç, A., Singh, J., Ruždjak, V.: 2011, Differences in Heliographic Positions and Rotation Velocities of Sunspot Groups from Various Observatories, Cent. Eur. Astrophys.Bull., 35, 59-70, PDF
  22. Lefèvre, L., Clette, F., BARANYI, T.: 2011, In-depth survey of sunspot and active region catalogs, IAU Symp., 273., 221-225., DOI:10.1017/S1743921311015286
  23. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2011, Photospheric data programs at the Debrecen Observatory, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union / Volume 6 / Symposium S273, August 2010, 403-407., DOI:10.1017/S174392131101564X, PDF preprint

  24. MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T.: 2006, East-West Asymmetry in the sunspot number distribution on the basis of different sunspots catalogues, In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy & Astrophysics; Budapest, Hungary, 11-13 January, 2006; Publications of the Astronomy Department of the Eötvös University (PADEU), (Edited by E. Forgács-Dajka), 17, 15, PDF
  25. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T.: 2006, Comparison of SOHO and Debrecen Photoheliographic Data sunspot areas for the years 1996 and 1997, Proc. SOHO-17: 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, 7 – 12 May 2006, Giardini Naxos, Sicily (Italy) , PDF
  26. BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2006, Possible north–south asymmetry related to the mean Bz of interplanetary coronal mass ejections, Adv. Space Res., 38 (Issue 5), 931, PDF

  27. MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T.: 2005, HTML presentation of the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data sunspot catalogue,  Mem. S.A.It., 76, 1004, PDF
  28. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Comparison of sunspot area data determined from ground-based and space-borne observation, Mem. S.A.It., 76, 985, PDF
  29. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., MURAKÖZY, J., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Recent advances in the Debrecen sunspot catalogues, Mem. S.A.It., 76, 981, PDF
  30. MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T., MURAKÖZY, J., GYŐRI, L.: 2005, Statistical study of the East-West asymmetry of sunspots, in:
    Proc. IAU Symposium No.223 "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity", eds: A. V. Stepanov,  E. E. Benevolenskaya, and A. G. Kosovichev, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 285-286, PDF
  31. BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Symmetric or asymmetric energy transfer from Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
    to the magnetosphere depending on the solar dipole, Adv. Space Res., 35,  421-425, PDF
  32. MEZŐ, G., MURAKÖZY, J., BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L. : 2005, East-West asymmetry on the solar disk, Hvar Obs. Bull., 29, 99-107, PDF
  33. BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2005, Geoeffective and climate-influencing solar and interplanetary conditions,  Hvar Obs. Bull., 29, 251-260, PDF

  34. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., Turmon, M., Pap, J.M.: 2004, Study of differences between sunspot area data determined from ground-based and space-borne observations, Adv. Space Res., 269-273,  PDF
  35. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., GERLEI, O., CSEPURA, G., MEZŐ, G.: 2004, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1993-95, Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Series, 17-19, 1-85, ftp
  36. MEZŐ, G., BARANYI, T., GYŐRI, L. : 2004, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data and its comparison with other sunspot databases, in: Solar Magnetic Phenomena,  (Proc. "Solar Magnetic Phenomena" Summer School and Workshop at the Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, 2003), eds.: A. Hanslmeier, A. Veronig and M. Messerotti, Astrophys. Space Sci. Library320, 247-250, PDF

  37. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A.: 2003, Effects of solar polarity reversals on geoeffective plasma streams, J. Geophys. Res., 108 (A5), Article Number: 1212, DOI: 10.1029/2002JA009553 PDF preprint
  38. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY,A.,  MEZŐ, G.: 2003, Current status of the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data, ESA SP-535 (Proc. ISCS 2003: Solar variability as an input to the Earth's environment, June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic), 707-710, PDF
  39. BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY,A.: 2003, Semiannual behaviour of monthly mean of Bz component of geoeffective (Kp>3) coronal mass ejections ,  ESA SP-535 (Proc. ISCS 2003: Solar variability as an input to the Earth's environment, June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic), 563-566, PDF
  40. Szasz,C., Kero, J., BARANYI, T.,GYŐRI, L., LUDMÁNY,A.,  MEZŐ, G.: 2003, An active region quasi-biennial oscillation,  ESA SP-535 (Proc. ISCS 2003: Solar variability as an input to the Earth's environment, June 23-28, 2003, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovak Republic), 153-155, PDF

  41. van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Schmieder, B., BARANYI,T.: 2002, Evolution of the source region of the interplanetary magnetic cloud of 18-20 Oct. 1995, Adv. Space Res., 29(10), 1489-1492., PDF
  42. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., Turmon, M., Pap, J.M.: 2002, Comparison of image-processing methods to extract solar features, ESA SP-508 ( Proc. SOHO-11, Davos, 2002), 203-208., PDF
  43. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A.: 2002, Geoeffective factors of solar plasma streams, ESA SP-506 (Proc. 10th European Solar Phys. Meet. : Solar variability: from core to outer frontiers , 9 - 14 Sep. 2002, Prague, Czech Republic), 109-113. PDF

  44. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., LUDMÁNY, A., GERLEI, O., CSEPURA, G.: 2001, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1988, Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Series, 12, 1-60., ftp
  45. BARANYI,T., GYŐRI,L., LUDMÁNY,A.,Coffey,H.E.:2001, Comparison of sunspot area data bases, Monthly Notices of R.A.S.323(1) 223-230., PDF
  46. BARANYI T., LUDMÁNY,A.: 2001, Relevance of the topologies of solar ejected plasmas in tropospheric processes, ESA SP-477 (Proc. of the Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconf., 24 - 29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense, Italy), 423-426., PDF

  47. GYŐRI, L., BARANYI, T., CSEPURA, G., GERLEI, O., LUDMÁNY, A.: 2000, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1987; with image supplements, Journal of Astronomical Data 6, 1, PDF
  48. BARANYI T., LUDMÁNY,A.: 2000, Efficiency factors in the solar-tropospheric relations in: W. Schröder ed.: Long and Short Term Variability in Sun's History and Global Change, Interdivisional Commission on History of the IAGA, European Section. Newsletters of the Interd. Comm. History, 39, Science Edition, Bremen, 69-79., PDF
  49. LUDMÁNY,A.,  BARANYI, T. ::2000, Comparative study of the atmospheric effects driven by irradiance vs. corpuscular radiation, ESA SP-463 (Proc. Euroconference: The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Sep. 25-30, 2000), 141-144., html, PDF

  50. LUDMÁNY,A., BARANYI,T., MEZÕ,G., 1999, Study of the fragmentation of solar active regions JOSO Annual Report 1998, .
  51. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A., GYÕRI,L., Coffey,H.E., 1999 Comparison of three sunspot area databases Accepted to ESA-SP 448, (9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Florence, Italy, 1999) 569-573. PDF
  52. LUDMÁNY,A., BARANYI,T., MEZÕ,G., TÓTH,L., 1999 Clusters in solar active regions Accepted to ESA-SP 448, (9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Florence, Italy, 1999) 613-615. PDF
  53. Lozitsky,V.G., Lozitska,N.I., Lozitsky,V.,V., BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A., MEZÕ,G., 1999 Evolution of magnetic fields and chromospheric structures in solar flare on June 26, 1981 Accepted to ESA-SP 448, (9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, Florence, Italy, 1999) 853-858. PDF

  54. GYÕRI,L., BARANYI,T., CSEPURA,G., GERLEI,O., LUDMÁNY,A. 1998, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the year 1987 Publ. Debrecen Obs. Heliogr. Ser. 11, 1-45.
  55. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A., Coffey,H. 1998, 22 year solar modulation of Earth's northern hemisphere temperatures, Geophys. Res. Lett. 25, 2269-2272., PDF
  56. van Driel-Gesztelyi,L., BARANYI,T. Mein,N., Cader-Sroka,B., Rudawy,P., Mein,P., Rompolt,B., Schmieder,B., Malherbe,J.-M., Willson,R., Kile,J.N., Raoult,A. 1998, Evolution of a reversed polarity active region in the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona JOSO Annual Report 1997, 103-104.
  57. LUDMÁNY,A., BARANYI,T. 1998, An indirect hint to the torsion of magnetic fields above active regions JOSO Annual Report 1997, 88-89.
  58. GYÕRI,L., BARANYI,T., CSEPURA,G., GERLEI,O., LUDMÁNY,A. 1998, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1986; with image supplements Journal of Astronomical Data 4, 2 (ftp:

  59. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1997, Some polarity conditions in corpuscular events. Solar Phys. 173, 383-389. PDF

  60. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1996, Some particle effects in the solar-terrestrial relations. in: Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances (Proc. of XVIth Int.Workshop, NSO/Sac.Peak) eds.K.S. Balasubramaniam, S.L.Keil and R.N.Smartt,ASP Conference Series 95, 489-496. PDF
  61. GYÕRI, L., BARANYI,T., CSEPURA,G., GERLEI,O., LUDMÁNY,A. 1996, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the year 1986, Publ.Debrecen Obs.Heliogr.Ser. 10, 1-61.

  62. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1995, Role of the solar main magnetic dipole field in the solar-tropospheric relations. Part I. Semiannual fluctuations in Europe, Annales Geophysicae13, 427-436. PDF
  63. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1995, Role of the solar main magnetic dipole field in the solar-tropospheric relations. Part II. Dependence on the types of solar sources, Annales Geophysicae 13, 886-892. PDF
  64. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1995, Giant convective rolls and sunspot group tilts Publ. Obs. Astron. Belgrade 49, 81-88. PDF
  65. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A., Terdik,Gy. 1995, Semiannual fluctuation depending on the polarity of the solar main magnetic dipole field Journal of Geophysical Research 100, No. A8, 14801-14805. PDF

  66. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1994, Distinction between the climatic effects of the solar corpuscular and electromagnetic radiation, Solar Phys. 152, 297-302. PDF

  67. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY, A. 1993, Detection possibility of the giant rolls in the Sun, ASP Conference Series 40, 81-83. PDF

  68. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY, A. 1992, Study of possible subsurface influences on the emerging active regions Solar. Phys. 139, 247-254. PDF
  69. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1992, Semiannual fluctuation and efficiency factors in sun-weather relations J. Geophys. Res. 97, No.A10, 14923-14928. PDF

  70. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1990, Orientations of new sunspot groups. Publ. Debrecen Obs. 7, 114-115., PDF

  71. BARANYI,T. 1986, Study of Solar H-alpha line profiles by means of filtergrams, Publ.Debrecen Obs. 6, 25-37., PDF

  72. BARANYI,T., LUDMÁNY,A. 1983, Synthesis of H-alpha profiles from filter transmission functions Publ. Debrecen Obs. 5, 595-602., PDF

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